Sunday, October 25, 2009

Unit 2 Outside Readings

Dear all,

Please check out the following sites for your Unit 2 outside reading materials online.
Unit 2補充閱讀請見下列連結文件

  1. Sharp, M. D. (2005). Reader's Guide to Major Works. Popular Contemporary Writers (Vol. 8) (pp.1023-1024). New York: Marshall Cavendish.
    (讀第一段 Themes and Issues)
  2. Kakutani, M. (Nov. 18, 2005). TEACHER MAN: A Memoir. [Online] The New York Times.

Read them before you come to our class in the lab!


1027-1102 Overcoming Obstacles (第3次貼文作業)

Dear all,

Please make your posts and comments here for this week (10/27-11/02)!

Just share your thoughts on the stories your read in Unit 2 (either Reading 1 or 2).
If the reading reminds you of any personal experience, we'd love to hear that from you!

And don't forget to make comments on your classmates' posts!

beware that
  1. in your post or comment,
    you should either make 1 passive sentence (被動式)
    or use the gerund or the infinitive (動名詞或不定詞)
  2. in your post or comment,
    you should include at least 2 words or phrases (from the word list below)
    (Overlaps are allowed.)

And here's the word list.

  • abandonment
  • defeated
  • dilapidated
  • hopelessness
  • meager
  • miracle
  • misery
  • poverty
  • shame
  • sordid
  • tormented
  • year for
  • face obstacles
  • deal with obstacles
  • overcome obstacles


  1. Please end your post and comment with your NAMEs (both English and Chinese names)!
  2. Check our blog post/comment scoring rubric for the 10 basic requirements!

Wendy 張文俐

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

1019-1026 NEW!!! Listening Learning Log

Dear all,

This week will be the make-up week for your blog post and comment.
That is,
NO more new blog posts and comments this week.

But instead, you should
  1. 進入FTP站 Check out our FTP
  2. 下載指定文件 Download "Learning Log (Randall's)" (sample)
  3. 完成作業要求 Complete the task as required
  4. 自己姓名存檔 Save your own learning log file under your name (like Wendy張文俐)
  5. 上傳指定作業 Upload your file to our FTP
    (in the folder "第一次聽力 1019-1026 Listening Learning Log")

Let me know if you need help!


Monday, October 19, 2009

FTP (10/19~)


  1. 開啟「我的電腦」
  2. 輸入連結
  3. 進入後點滑鼠右鍵
  4. 選取「登入身分」
  5. 輸入fe2009為使用者身分﹝全為小寫﹞
  6. 進入後可下載learning log﹝報告組別亦可參考先前報告同學檔案﹞

Let me know if you need help!


Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Learner Resources 6

Dear all,

Please check out the website of NCHU Foreign Languages Access Center (FLAC):

Browse it like you're gonna do some SHOPPING there,
and this time,
you're shopping for language learning resources
(such as English consultation英語諮商 and English workshop英語工坊)!

Beware that you are required to use your English Learning Passport at FLAC!
(P8 for midterm and P9 for final.)

Get ready for it!


1013-1019 (Media-Related) Vocab Hunting

Dear all,

You DO NOT have to make any new blog post or comment this week (10/13-10/19),
let's do some vocabulary (vocab) hunting for media-related words in 中高級參考完整字表!

To complete the task,
you should
  1. 想清楚任務 Think carefully about which letter you're responsible for (A-Z, which one?)
  2. 找單字資源 Check out one part of the vocabulary list (A-Z, which one?) which is
    downloadable in Learner Resources 5:
  3. 找重點單字 Search for words that have to do with MEDIA
  4. 剪貼重點字 Copy and paste those media-related words
  5. 張貼重點字 Post a LIST of those words HERE
  6. 寫清楚頭尾 Begin your post with the letter (A-Z, which one?)
    and end your post with your name and your partner's name

NOTE: 參考第一則貼文 Please find the first post as a a sample for your reference.


Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Learner Resources 5

Dear all,

Please check out LTTC's 中高級參考字表:
Download 完整版, not 簡略版!

You will have to perform a task together with your partner for the week 1013-1019!
See "1013-1019 (Media-Related) Vocab Hunting" for details.


Learner Resources 4

Dear all,

Please check out LTTC's 中高級預試考題 (
Feel free to download the files (especially the transcripts聽力測驗錄音稿) for your own reference.

You will be having similar or the same listening and reading tests in class this semester,
so do the PREVIEW for yourself.

Let me know if you have any questions.


Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Reminder: Every Week's Task

Dear all,

I know some of you still have trouble catching up in class.

You can use the checklist below
to help yourself find out the things you're supposed to do EVERY week.

  1. ___ 複習 Review Unit X + outside reading (if any)
  2. ___ 預習 Read Unit X+1 + outside reading (if any)
  3. ___ 筆記 Do a mind map for class notes
  4. ___ 貼文 Think back and make 1 post + 1 comment
  5. ___ 報告 Prepare for your group presentation
    (NOT every week, only if there will be one)
  6. ___ 自評 Complete a self-evaluation sheet
    (NOT every week, only after your group presentation)
  7. ___ 繳交 (1) Hand in class notes + a mind map
    (ONLY on the due date)
  8. ___ 繳交 (2) Hand in your self-evaluation sheet
    (ONLY in the class after your presentation)

What follows are the things you have to do this week.
特別附上本週待完成任務如下。 (10/06-10/12)

  1. ___ 複習 Review Unit 1 (for our mock test 1)
  2. ___ 預習 Read Unit 2
  3. ___ 筆記 Do a mind map for class notes
  4. ___ 貼文 Think back and make 1 post + 1 comment
    (1006-1012 Focus on Bomb Suspect Brings Tears and a Plea)
  5. ___ 報告 Prepare for your group presentation
    (R1 group presentaion next week)
  6. ___ 自評 Complete a self-evaluation sheet
    (ONLY students in R1)
  7. ___ 繳交 (1) Hand in class notes + a mind map
    (10/12 due)
  8. ___ 繳交 (2) Hand in your self-evaluation sheet
    (ONLY students in R1)

Let me know if you have any questions!


Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Reminder: Group Presentation Schedule

Dear all,

Please check the presentation schedule
for the date/dates on which you're supposed to give a group presentation!

As for the group roster,
it's right here!

Let me know if you have any question!

Learner Resources 3

Dear all,

Please check on English Listening Lesson Library Online (ELLLO):
We have speakers from all over the world!

Try #484 News Source
and see if you can find the connection between this and our reading (Unit1)!

Feel free to have any further discussion with me!

See you in class!


1006-1012 Focus on Bomb Suspect Brings Tears and a Plea

Dear all,

Please make your posts and comments here for this week (10/06-10/12)!

It's still about your thoughts on a sensationalized news story (Reading 2 in Unit 1),
but this time,

  • you are supposed to make at least 1 passive sentence in your post and at least 1 passive sentence in your comment.
    (See textbook p. 15-16 for more details about passive voice.)


  • you should include at least 2 words or phrases (from the word list below) in your post and at least 2 words or phrases (from the word list below) in your comment. (Overlaps are allowed.)
    (See textbook p. 3, 11, 15 for vocabulary exercises.)

And here's the word list.

  1. allegation
  2. allege
  3. anguish
  4. around the clock
  5. beg
  6. besieged
  7. clear one's name
  8. convicted in the court of
  9. public opinion
  10. fair game
  11. have an endless hunger for
  12. hounded by
  13. judgment
  14. justified
  15. justify
  16. keep to oneself
  17. legitimate
  18. on one's deathbed
  19. perspective
  20. play ostrich
  21. relevant
  22. scrutiny
  23. speculation
  24. spread the word
  25. suppose
  26. suspect
  27. the price one pays


  • Please end your post and comment with your NAMEs (both English and Chinese names)!
  • Check our blog post/comment scoring rubric for the 10 basic requirements!

Wendy 張文俐

Sunday, October 4, 2009

Reminder: Blog Post/Comment Scoring Rubric

Dear all,

Thank you for all the wonderful posts and comments there under these weeks' topics!
Please keep making updates for our class blog!

The scoring rubric attached will help you reach a better understanding of how your posts and comments will be evaluated.

The blog POST (100)
  1. In the right place(e.g., 0930-1006 Learning Strategies) (10%)
  2. Meets the requirement(1 short passage, at least 3-4 sentences) (10%)
  3. To the week's topic(e.g., Learning Strategies) (10%)
  4. Shows understanding of the topic (10%)
  5. Has a point (10%)
  6. Offers references (10%)
  7. Shares thoughts, ideas, or opinions (10%)
  8. With the key term/phrase or key structure used properly and correctly (10%)
  9. With correct spelling, punctuation, and capitalization (10%)
  10. Ends with a name(both English name and Chinese name) (10%)

The blog COMMENT (100)

  1. In the right place(e.g., 0930-1006 Learning Strategies) (10%)
  2. Meets the requirement(1 short passage, at least 3-4 sentences) (10%)
  3. Makes a response to one classmate's post (10%)
  4. Shows understanding of the topic (10%)
  5. Has a point (10%)
  6. Offers references (10%)
  7. Shares thoughts, ideas, or opinions (10%)
  8. With the key term/phrase or key structure used properly and correctly (10%)
  9. With correct spelling, punctuation, and capitalization (10%)
  10. Ends with a name(both English name and Chinese name) (10%)

Let me know if you have any questions!
