Monday, September 28, 2009

0929-1005 Media

Dear all,

Please make your posts and responses here for this week (09/29-10/05)!

Since we've done so much about "media" (especially in the listening activities),
why not share with us your personal thoughts on this issue?

You are highly welcome to share the insights you get from the readings, lectures, and even from your classmates' group reports.
As long as it has to do with our topic of the week,
it's perfectly okay to be brought up on the class blog!

Don't worry about your grammar and vocabulary.
The ideas you wanna share with us are a lot more important!

Please end your post and response with your NAMEs
(both English and Chinese names)!


Sunday, September 27, 2009

Learner Resources 2

Dear all,

Please check on JCU Study Skills Online:
(1) Note-taking - The Essentials
(2) Mind-mapping - Introduction
(3) Mind-mapping - How to do a Mind Map
(4) Mind-mapping - Summarising Readings
(5) Mind-mapping - Sample Reading Mind Map
(6) Mind-mapping - Sample Lecture Mind Map

Feel free to have any further discussion with me!

See you in class!


Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Learner Resources 1

Dear all,

Please check on Randall's Cyber Listening Lab:

Try "General Listening Quizzes" and try both the EASY and MEDIUM level.
Feel free to have any further discussion with me!

See you in class!


0921-0928 test

Dear all,

Please make your posts and responses here for this week (09/21-09/28)!

Don't worry about your grammar and vocabulary.
The ideas you wanna share with us are a lot more important!


How to Make a Response

Please take a look at the following steps before you make a response.

1. Get onto the site (
2. Click on the topic.
3. Write down your comment.
4. Post your comment.
a. Select profile (Google Account recommended). Click on "Preview" or "Post Comment".
b. Sign in with your Google account.
c. Complete word verification. Click on "Post Comment".
d. Done! (Remove the post if you regret it!)

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Tentative Syllabus

Freshman English
Fall 2009

Mon. 14:10-15:00, Wed. 10:10-12:00
張文俐Wen-li (Wendy) Chang

This course offers opportunities for extensive practice on language skills. Class participation is encouraged through the mediation of online learning tools. After completion of the course, students are expected to:
- Use English more effectively for study purposes
- Employ strategies to tackle test questions
- Think critically on complex issues
- Develop self-study skills that enable them to continue to learn English independently

Required textbooks
  1. English, A. K. & English, L. M. (2008). NorthStar: Reading and Writing Level 4, Third Edition. Pearson Education.
  2. Johnson, B. E. (1994). The reading edge: Thirteen ways to build reading comprehension (2nd ed.). Taipei: Bookman Books.

Learner resources

Class blog:

(Check online for latest updates to our learning materials list)


Attendance (full 10% for students who are all present)
Class participation (idea webs 5% + class notes 5% + blog post/response 10% + portfolio 10%)
Group report/presentation (20%)
Mock tests (20%)
Midterm (10%)
Final (10%)


  1. Class participation and teamwork is a prerequisite.
  2. No late assignment will be accepted.
  3. Absence from a class is no excuse for not being able to participate in the class.
  4. There must be official reasons for absence beforehand or valid proof within two weeks.
  5. Your final grade will be deducted for each absence.
    You'll fail the course if you miss more than six classes.