Students in the list below should make up for the final test. 名單中同學應於期限內 (6/25, 28, 29, 30) 完成期末考線上補考 (聽+讀) 補考方法同期中補考方式 (請按我參考 Midterm MAKEUP Week 期中補考 (4/26~4/30) ) 但6/28-6/30不開放晚上場次!
Please update all the files inside your e-portfolio through FTP! 請到FTP上更新並整理你的學習歷程檔案
Come back here to share with us what you think about the e-portfolio? Do you think that helps? In what way? If not,why not? 請於繳交線上檔案後再回來談談你對E化學習歷程檔案的看法
If you have problems logging into VoiceThread, it might be that you forgot to create your own VoiceThread account. 提醒自己留言前要先確定你已經到VoiceThread上開設自己的新帳戶
You are supposed to make up for previous VoiceThread tasks (6/20 due) if you do not finish them all. 請於6/20前補作完成所有VoiceThread評論練習 The following link list will help you find out if you have competed all the tasks. 下列VoiceThread活動總覽列表有助你確定是否已經完成所有留言
There are 6 major parts in this week's listening log. (Template available on FTP or through email.) 本週聽力作業分為下列六大題 (格式可從FTP下載或透過email索取)
A. Comprehension Questions to Know (理解問題) B. VoiceThread Exercise (評論練習) (Post comments on the blog! 請直接在部落格評論!) C. Comprehension Exercise (理解練習) D. Text Completion (聽寫克漏字) E. OPTIONAL Comprehension Exercise (自選自答加分題) F. Reflection (自我省思)
Students who have NOT attended any speech so far should click on any of the links below and watch one speech online to make up for it! ( Note: Speeches at NCHU were videotaped but not able to be shown on the blog, so there are other options (speeches at FCU).
Make a post here about the make-up speech choice you make. (Please find a sample post below.)